📊 Project Overview
A comprehensive data analysis project that demonstrates the complete data pipeline from data collection to visualization. The project analyzes sales, profit, and revenue data using various tools and technologies.
🛠️ Technologies Used
- Python (Pandas) for data cleaning
- Kaggle API for data collection
- PostgreSQL for data storage and analysis
- Power BI for visualization
- SQL for data querying
Project Structure
- Data Collection
- Data Cleaning (Python/Pandas)
- Database Operations
- Data Analysis
- Data Visualization (Power BI)
📋 Project Explanation
1. Data Collection
Utilized Kaggle API to fetch CSV datasets
Automated data retrieval process
2. Data Cleaning (Python/Pandas)
Handled missing values
Standardized data formats
Created derived columns
Removed duplicates
a. Initial Setup and Data Download
# Import required library for Kaggle API import kaggle # Download CSV file from Kaggle !kaggle datasets download ankitbansal06/retail-orders -f orders.csv # Extract file from zip import zipfile zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(‘orders.csv.zip’) zip_ref.extractall() # extract file to current directory zip_ref.close() # close file # Read the CSV file into a pandas DataFrame import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv(‘orders.csv’)This section:
Uses the Kaggle API to download a retail orders dataset Extracts the downloaded zip file Loads the data into a pandas DataFrame
b. Data Exploration and Analysis
df.head() # View first few rows df.shape # Get dimensions of DataFrame df.info() # Get DataFrame information df.describe() # Get statistical summary df.dtypes # View data types of columns # Check for null values and duplicates df.isnull().sum() # Count null values in each column df.duplicated().sum() # Count total duplicate rows # Examine specific column duplicates df[‘Ship Mode’].duplicated() # Check duplicates in Ship Mode column df.duplicated([‘Ship Mode’]).sum() # Count duplicates in Ship Mode columnThis section shows various ways to:
Inspect the data structure and content Check for missing values Identify duplicate entries
c. Data Cleaning and Handling Missing Values
# Remove duplicates in different ways df.drop_duplicates() # Remove all duplicate rows df.drop_duplicates([‘Ship Mode’]) # Remove rows with duplicate Ship Mode values df[‘Ship Mode’].drop_duplicates() # Get unique values in Ship Mode column # Handle missing and special values # Convert ‘Not Available’ and ‘unknown’ to NaN df1 = pd.read_csv(‘orders.csv’, na_values=[‘Not Available’, ‘unknown’]) # Find rows with null values in Ship Mode column df1[df1[‘Ship Mode’].isna()==1] # Check unique values in Ship Mode after handling special values df1[‘Ship Mode’].unique()d. Column Renaming and Standardization
### Method 1: Rename specific columns df1.rename(columns={ ‘Order Id’: ‘order_id’, ‘City’: ‘city’ }) ### Method 2: Standardize all column names (convert to lowercase and replace spaces with underscores) df1.columns = df1.columns.str.lower() df1.columns = df1.columns.str.replace(‘ ‘, ‘_’)e. Creating New Columns and Data Transformation
### Calculate discount amount “`df1[‘discount’] = df1[‘list_price’] * df1[‘discount_percent’] * .01“` ### Calculate sale price df1[‘sale_price’] = df1[‘list_price’] – df1[‘discount’] ### Calculate profit “`df1[‘profit’] = df1[‘sale_price’] – df1[‘cost_price’]“` ### Convert order_date to datetime df1[‘order_date’] = pd.to_datetime(df1[‘order_date’], format=”%Y-%m-%d”)“` ### Remove unnecessary columns df1.drop(columns=[‘list_price’, ‘cost_price’, ‘discount_percent’], inplace=True)f. Database Integration with PostgreSQL
Install required packages (if not already installed)
# pip install psycopg2-binary sqlalchemy
Set up database connection
import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine connection_string = ‘postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:1234@localhost:5432/ankit bansal’ engine = create_engine(connection_string) # Export DataFrame to PostgreSQL – Replace mode df1.to_sql(‘rough_direct_from_pd’, engine, index=False, if_exists=’replace’) # Export DataFrame to PostgreSQL – Append mode df1.to_sql(‘afra_pd’, engine, index=False, if_exists=’append’)Key points about this code:
Data Cleaning:
Removes duplicates using different methods Handles missing values and special text values by converting them to NaN Standardizes column names for consistency
Data Transformation:
Creates new calculated columns for business metrics (discount, sale_price, profit) Converts date strings to proper datetime objects Removes redundant columns after calculations
Database Integration:
Sets up a connection to PostgreSQL database Provides two methods to save data:
‘replace’ mode: overwrites existing table ‘append’ mode: adds new records to existing table
This code demonstrates a complete ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process:
Extracting data from a CSV file Transforming it through various cleaning and calculation steps Loading it into a PostgreSQL database
3. Database Operations
PostgreSQL database setup
Data import and storage
Complex SQL queries for analysis Creating Table
create table afra_pd( order_id int primary key, order_date date, ship_mode varchar(20), segment varchar(20), country varchar(20), city varchar(20), state varchar(20), postal_code varchar(20), region varchar(20), category varchar(20), sub_category varchar(20), product_id varchar(20), quantity int, discount decimal(7,2), sale_price decimal(7,2), profit decimal(7,2));Data Analysis Key insights revealed through SQL analysis:
- Top 10 revenue-generating products
- Regional product performance analysis
- Month-over-month growth comparison (2022 vs 2023)
- Category-wise monthly sales performance
- Sub-category profit growth analysis📊 SQL Query Explanations with Emojis 🌟
📊 SQL Query Explanations with Emojis 🌟
1️⃣ Query 1: Find Top 10 Highest Revenue Generating Products 🛍️💰
–Q-1: find top 10 highest revenue generating products SELECT product_id, SUM(sale_price) FROM afra_pd GROUP BY product_id ORDER BY SUM(sale_price) DESC LIMIT 10;Explanation
SELECT product_id, SUM(sale_price)
➡️ We want to find the total revenue (SUM(sale_price)
) generated for each product (product_id
).FROM afra_pd
➡️ The data is coming from theafra_pd
table.GROUP BY product_id
➡️ Group the results byproduct_id
so we can calculate the sum for each product.ORDER BY SUM(sale_price) DESC
➡️ Sort the products by total revenue, from highest to lowest.LIMIT 10
➡️ Only show the top 10 highest revenue-generating products.
2️⃣ Query 2: Find Top 5 Highest Selling Products in Each Region 🏘️📈
WITH cte AS ( SELECT region, product_id, SUM(sale_price) AS sales FROM afra_pd GROUP BY region, product_id ) SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY region ORDER BY sales DESC) AS rn FROM cte ) A WHERE rn <= 5;Explanation
WITH cte AS (...)
➡️ We create a Common Table Expression (CTE)cte
to calculate the total sales for each product in every region.ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY region ORDER BY sales DESC)
➡️ For each region, assign a rank (ROW_NUMBER()
) based on the total sales of each product, with the highest sales ranked first.SELECT * FROM (...) WHERE rn <= 5
➡️ Filter the results to only include the top 5 products for each region 5️⃣.
3️⃣ Query 3: Month-over-Month Growth Comparison for Sales in 2022 vs. 2023
To compare sales growth month-over-month between 2022 and 2023. SQL Code (Microsoft SQL Server)
WITH cte AS ( SELECT YEAR(order_date) AS order_year, MONTH(order_date) AS order_month, SUM(sale_price) AS sales FROM df_orders GROUP BY YEAR(order_date), MONTH(order_date) ) SELECT order_month, SUM(CASE WHEN order_year = 2022 THEN sales ELSE 0 END) AS sales_2022, SUM(CASE WHEN order_year = 2023 THEN sales ELSE 0 END) AS sales_2023 FROM cte GROUP BY order_month ORDER BY order_month;Explanation YEAR() and MONTH(): Extracts year and month from order_date. SUM(CASE WHEN …): Calculates total sales for each year. GROUP BY: Groups results by month. ORDER BY: Sorts results by month.
4️⃣ Query 4: Highest Sales Month for Each Category
To determine which month had the highest sales for each product category. SQL Code (Microsoft SQL Server)
WITH cte AS ( SELECT category, FORMAT(order_date, ‘yyyyMM’) AS order_year_month, SUM(sale_price) AS sales FROM df_orders GROUP BY category, FORMAT(order_date, ‘yyyyMM’) ) SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY category ORDER BY sales DESC) AS rn FROM cte ) a WHERE rn = 1;Explanation 📝:
- FORMAT(order_date, ‘yyyyMM’) ➡️ Formats the
into a year and month format (yyyyMM
) 📅. - ROW_NUMBER() ➡️ Ranks the months by sales within each category, assigning a unique rank to each month based on the sales amount 📊.
- WHERE rn = 1 ➡️ Filters the result to select only the month with the highest sales per category 🏅.
5️⃣ Query 5: Subcategory with Highest Growth by Profit in 2023 Compared to 2022
To identify which subcategory experienced the highest profit growth from 2022 to 2023. SQL Code (PostgreSQL)
WITH cte AS ( SELECT sub_category, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS order_year, SUM(sale_price) AS sales FROM afra_pd GROUP BY sub_category, order_year ), cte2 AS ( SELECT sub_category, SUM(CASE WHEN order_year = 2022 THEN sales ELSE 0 END) AS sales_2022, SUM(CASE WHEN order_year = 2023 THEN sales ELSE 0 END) AS sales_2023 FROM cte GROUP BY sub_category ) SELECT sub_category, sales_2022, sales_2023, (sales_2023 – sales_2022) AS sales_growth — Profit growth calculation. FROM cte2 ORDER BY sales_growth DESC LIMIT 1;Explanation 📝:
- EXTRACT(YEAR FROM …) ➡️ Retrieves the year from the
to separate data by year 📆. - SUM(CASE WHEN …) ➡️ Sums up profits for each year per subcategory by using conditional aggregation 💰.
- (sales_2023 – sales_2022) ➡️ Calculates the profit growth by subtracting sales in 2022 from sales in 2023 📈.
- ORDER BY … LIMIT 1 ➡️ Sorts the results to return only the subcategory with the highest growth 🏅.
![End-to-End Data Analysis: From Kaggle API to Pandas Data Cleanning to PostgreSQL Data Analysis to Power BI Dashboards](https://seotanvirbd.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/api_pandas_postgesql_powerbi-1024x568.png)
I uploaded this power bi dashboard as pbix file in my github
- Product sales and profit summary
- Regional performance metrics
- Category-wise analysis
- Growth trends
📈 Key Findings
- Technology accounted for 37.25% of total profit
- Furniture had 8,028 units in quantity
- Office Supplies reached 22,906 units
- Technology achieved 6,939 units
🔄 Project Workflow
- Data Collection → 2. Cleaning → 3. Database Import → 4. Analysis → 5. Visualization
🔄 Project Source code : https://github.com/seotanvirbd/kaggle-python-sql
👨💻 Contact Information
- WhatsApp: Contact Me
- Facebook: seotanvirbd
- LinkedIn: seotanvirbd
- YouTube: @tanvirbinali2200
- Email: tanvirafra1@gmail.com
- Blog & Portfolio: seotanvirbd.com
- github : https://github.com/seotanvirbd/